
- Kondo N, Ebihara A, Ru H, Kuramitsu S, Iwamoto A, Rao Z and Matsuda, Z. Thermus thermophilus-derived protein tags that aid in preparation of insoluble viral proteins. Anal. Biochem. 385, 278-285, 2009

Patent application (the University of Tokyo, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) December 11, 2008
- Development of dual split proteins and their application for the analysis of membrane fusion
- The application of split GFPs for the analysis of HIV-1 envelope-mediated membrane fusion

- Kondo N, Ebihara A, Ru H, Kuramitsu S, Iwamoto A and Matsuda Z. Development of Thermus thermophilus protein tags with defined structures for expression and solubilization of HIV proteins. September 7-11, 2008. The Hyogo Prefecture Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center. The 8th Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity.
- Kondo N, Ebihara A, Ru, H, Kuramitsu S, Iwamoto A and Matsuda Z. Use of Thermus thermophilus proteins as a fusion partner to enhance expression-level and solubility of target proteins derived from primate lentiviruses (HIV/SIV). July 19-23, 2008. Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California, USA. The 22nd Symposium of The Proteins Society.
- Kondo N, Ebihara A, Ru H, Kuramitsu S, Iwamoto A, and Matsuda Z. A new strategy to facilitate structural analysis of highly insoluble viral proteins derived from HIV-1. May 22, 2008. Auditorium, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. The First China-Japan Joint Workshop of New-Generation Vaccines for Infectious Diseases.
- Kondo N. Structural analyses of lentiviral proteins: seeking for fusion partners for crystallization. January 28-29, 2008. Kansai Airport Conference Halls, Hotel Nikko Kansai Airport, Osaka. Asian Research Forum 2008.
- Matsuda Z. Research progress in China-Japan Joint Laboratory of Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. January 28-29, 2008. Kansai Airport Conference Halls, Hotel Nikko Kansai Airport, Osaka. Asian Research Forum 2008.
- Liu SJ. Analysis of HIV-1 envelope protein -membrane topology and neutralizing epitopes- October 29-30, 2007. Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. International Symposium on Basic and Applied Immunobiology.
- Kondo N. Determination of structures of viral proteins of HIV and SIV -search for new tag proteins for crystallization- October 29-30, 2007. Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. International Symposium on Basic and Applied Immunobiology.
- Matsuda Z, Miyauchi K, Curran R, Matthews Erin, Komano J, Yamamoto N and Engelman D M. The alteration of the phase in the membrane-spanning helix of HIV-1 gp41 negatively affects intracellular transport of HIV-1 envelope protein. July 21-25, 2007, Boston, MA, USA. The 21st Protein Society Symposium.
- Miyauchi K, Curran R, Matthews E, Komano J, Murakami T, Yamamoto N, Engelman D M and Matsuda Z. The specific phase of membrane-spanning helix of HIV-1 gp41is critical for intracellular transport of Env. May 22-27, 2007, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Retroviruses.