Meetings & Workshops
【December 17, 2019】International Joint Forum on Infectious Disease Research 2019
International Joint Forum on Infectious Disease Research 2019 was held in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IM-CAS), on December 17, 2019.
The forum was jointly organized by the IM-CAS and
the Alliance for Research and Education for the Control of Infectious Diseases of four institutes: Research Center for Zoonosis Control (Hokkaido University), Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (Osaka University), Institute of Tropical Medicine (Nagasaki University), and Institute of Medical Science (The University of Tokyo). Thirteen researchers at the forefront of infectious disease research, six from China and seven from Japan including Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director), gave lectures on their latest findings. All the participants engaged in lively discussion and promoted scientific exchange between them. In addition a tour of
the China-Japan Joint Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Molecular Microbiology in IM-CAS was conducted for the participants from Japan.
【September 5-6, 2019】 Asian-African Research Forum on Emerging and Reemerging Infections 2019
Asian-African Research Forum on Emerging and Reemerging Infections 2019 was held for 2 days from September 5 to 6, 2019 at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Sixteen people participated in the forum from the project:
China-Japan Research Collaboration on Defense against Emerging and Reemerging Infections. (The participants are listed below.) In this forum, Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director), Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka and Prof. Jun-ichiro Inoue (Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing) gave lectures on their studies, and 10 others made poster presentations.
Participants are: Yasushi Kawaguchi, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Jun-ichiro Inoue, Zene Matsuda, Mitsue Hayashi, Takaomi Ishida, Seiya Yamayoshi, Jin Gohda, Kiyoko Iwatsuki-Horimoto, Mizuki Yamamoto, Naoto Koyanagi, Yusuke Fujinami (IMSUT); Hongyun Wang, Jiping Song (IBPCAS); Ni Jing, Xiyao Wang (IMCAS)
【January 21, 2019】Fourth J-GRID International Symposium
On 21 January 2019 the 4th J-GRID International Symposium was held at the Research Center for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University. This symposium was jointly organized by the University of Zambia, the Zambian Ministry of Health, the infections-related NGOs in Zambia, and the cooperation of four Japanese institutes: the Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (Osaka University), the Research Center for Zoonosis Control (Hokkaido University), the Institute of Tropical Medicine (Nagasaki University), and the Institute of Medical Science (University of Tokyo). Eight researchers from these five universities presented their research activities and recent studies on infections, and the participants from the two countries engaged in lively discussion to promote scientific exchange. Dr. Takaomi Ishida (Project Associate Professor) gave a lecture at the meeting.
【January 18, 2019】Prof. Y. Kawaoka Gives Public Lecture on Avian Influenza
Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka gave a talk entitled “Bird Flu in China Can Scare You?” in a public meeting supported by J-GRID (Japan Initiative for Global Research Network on Infectious Diseases):
“Infections Invading from Overseas -Japanese Researchers Fighting with Pathogens in Epidemic Areas-”, which was held at Fukuracia Marunouchi Oazo on 18 January 2019. Speakers had a lively discussion with participants during the question-and-answer session at the end of the meeting.
【November 2, 2018】 The Seventh China-Japan Bilateral
“The 7th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on All Influenza Viruses” was held at GRAND SKYLIGHT HOTEL, Shenzhen, China, on November 2, 2018.
Influenza researchers, seven from China and eight from Japan, made presentations on their latest findings.
This symposium was held concurrently with the "Asian-Pacific Centennial Spanish 1918-flu Symposium" (held on November 1), in which lectures were given by Dr. Robert G. Webster, a world authority on influenza research, and the representatives of the WHO collaborating centres (WHOCC) in China, UK, USA, Australia and Japan. Director-General of WHO sent a video message to the meeting. The 2018 Bilateral Symposium appears to prove that the quality of presentations and activities of Chinese researchers has been greatly improved since the 1st Japan-China Influenza Symposium in 2004. And a tour of BGI, a genomic analysis company in China, seemed to overwhelm participants by its scale, financial power and human resources provided by China.
This would be very challenging and simulating to Japanese researchers.
【February 27, 2018】International Joint Forum on Infectious Disease Research 2018
International Joint Forum on Infectious Disease Research 2018 was held in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand, on February 27, 2018. This forum was jointly organized by the Mahidol University Faculty of Tropical Medicine and the union of four Japanese institutes: Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (Osaka University), Research Center for Zoonosis Control (Hokkaido University), Institute of Tropical Medicine (Nagasaki University), and Institute of Medical Science (The University of Tokyo). Eleven researchers from these five universities presented their papers of recent studies on infections, and the participants from the two countries engaged in lively discussion to promote scientific exchange. Dr. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director) and Dr. Jin Gohda (Project Senior Assistant Professor) attended the forum and gave lectures.
【March 16, 2017】 Professor J. Inoue Presents a Paper “Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening of Antiviral Agents” in AMED Joint Symposium 2017
Dr. Jun-ichiro Inoue (a professor of Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo / Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing) gave a talk entitled “Cell-based high throughput screening techniques for compounds inhibiting viral membrane fusion and infection” in the AMED Joint Symposium 2017 held at Japan’s NIID (National Institute of Infectious Diseases) on 16 March 2017.
The Joint Symposium is a collaboration of two AMED programs: Research Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases; J-GRID (Japan Initiative for Global Research Network on Infectious Diseases).
【March 14-15, 2017】 The Sixth China-Japan Bilateral Symposium
The Sixth China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on All Influenza Viruses was held on 14 and 15 March 2017 at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Speakers were: 13 Chinese scientists including the world’s leading researchers on influenza Dr. Hualan Chen and Dr. George F. Gao and 13 Japanese scientists including Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka.
They presented their recent findings on epidemic of influenza virus in China and on those ranging from the basic molecular studies to the applied studies such as the clinical symptoms and treatment of the patients infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.
The symposium was a great success, attracting around 80 participants including students.