Meetings & Workshops
Beijing Laboratory Meetings
【January 28, 2019】 Ninth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
On January 28, 2019, the ninth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Microbiology (IM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended by Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director), Prof. Jun-ichiro Inoue (Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing), Mr. Takahiko Kato (General Manager) and Mr. Hiroshi Eto (Assistant Manager, External Fundraising Strategic Management Team) from IMSUT, Tokyo. At the meeting the research progress was reported by staff members: Mr. Xiyao Wang, Ms. Ni Jing from IM and Ms. Qingling Du, Dr. Hongyun Wang from the Institute of Biophysics.
【August 29, 2018】 Eighth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
On August 29, 2018, the eighth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Microbiology (IM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended by Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director) and Prof. Jun-ichiro Inoue (Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing) from IMSUT, Tokyo. At the meeting the research progress was reported by staff members: Mr. Xiyao Wang, Ms. Ni Jing from IM and Ms. Qingling Du, Dr. Hongyun Wang from the Institute of Biophysics.
【April 25, 2018】 Seventh Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
On April 25, 2018, the seventh Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Microbiology (IM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended by Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director) and Prof. Jun-ichiro Inoue (Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing) from IMSUT, Tokyo. At the meeting the research progress was reported by staff members: Ms. Lu Liu, Ms. Ni Jing from IM and Ms. Jiping Song from the Institute of Biophysics. In addition, Mr. Xiyao Wang, a new staff member of IM, introduced himself.
【December 12, 2017】 Sixth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
On December 12, 2017, the sixth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and was attended by Prof. Yasushi Kawaguchi (Project Director) and Prof. Jun-ichiro Inoue (Chief of China-Japan Joint Laboratories in Beijing) from IMSUT, Tokyo. After Ms. Ni Jing, a new staff member of IM (Institute of Microbiology) introduced herself, Ms. Qingling Du and Ms. Jiping Song both from IBP, along with Ms. Lu Liu from IM, reported their research progress.
【July 10, 2017】 Fifth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
The fifth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at IM (Institute of Microbiology), Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing on 10 July 2017, attended by Drs. Yasushi Kawaguchi and Jun-ichiro Inoue from IMSUT, Tokyo. At the meeting the research progress was reported by respective groups on: studies of dengue viruses by Ms. Rui Zhang (Research Assistant, IBP), studies of the third generation DSP by Project Prof. Zene Matsuda (on behalf of Ms. Jiping Song, Research Assistant, IBP), identification of host factors contributing to latent HIV-1 infection by Mr. Kai Liu (Research Assistant, IM), and studies of dual infection of HIV and tuberculosis bacteria by Ms. Xialin Xie (Research Assistant, IM). Afterwards, some participants had a meeting with Associate Prof. Kaixia Mi (Collaborating Researcher).
【December 9, 2016】 Fourth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
On December 9 the fourth Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), attended by Ms. Kiyomi Ueda (General Manager; IMSUT) and Mr. Isao Uehara (Manager; Research Support Division, IMSUT) during their visit to the Beijing office, along with Dr. Yasushi Kawaguchi from IMSUT. After Dr. Hongyun Wang, Ms. Jiping Song, and Ms. Qingling Du of IBP reported the progress in studies of HIV-1 and dengue viruses, Mr. Kai Liu and Ms. Xialin Xie of IM shared with the participants the research progress in identification of host factors contributing to latent HIV-1 infection and the genome editing in THP-1 cells. On the next day the visitors from IMSUT and the IMSUT scientists working in the joint-labs had a lunch meeting with Dr. George Fu Gao (Academician of CAS).
【December 8, 2015】 Third Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
The third Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Microbiology (IM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended by Dr. Keigo Shibayama (Director; Department of Virology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases), along with Drs. Yasushi Kawaguchi, Jun-ichiro Inoue, Kunito Yoshiike from IMSUT. After Mr. Kai Liu (Research Assistant, IM) shared with the participants research progress in identification of host factors contributing to latent HIV-1 infection, Ms. Rui Zhang (Research Assistant, IBP) reported progress in application of the DSP system to dengue virus. In addition, Ms. Jiping Song (Research Assistant, IBP) introduced herself and was welcomed as new laboratory member.
【September 24, 2015】 Second Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
The second Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Biophysics (IBP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, joined by Dr. Keigo Shibayama (Director; Department of Virology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases), Dr. Tadahito Kanda (Project Supervisor; Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)) and Ms. Hiroe Yamazaki (Section Chief; Department of Research Promotion, Division of Infectious Disease Research of AMED). Attendees were: Drs. Yasushi Kawaguchi, Jun-ichiro Inoue, Kunito Yoshiike from IMSUT and scientists working in the joint-labs. After Ms. Rui Zhang (Research Assistant, IBP) shared with the participants the research progress in application of the DSP system to dengue virus, Dr. Mizuki Yamamoto (Project Researcher; IMSUT) reported the progress in applying the DSP system to HIV-1, MERSCoV and dengue virus. Also, Dr. Hongyun Wang (Research Assistant; IBP) reported on studies of peptides that inhibit cell fusion induced by HIV-1. Then, Mr. Kai Ryu (Research Assistant; IM) reported his research progress in the studies of host factors related with latent HIV-1 infection, and Ms. Feifei Yang (Research Assistant; IM) reported her research on the co-receptor usage of the HIV-1 clades prevailing in China.
【June 29, 2015】 First Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories
The first Research Progress Meeting of Beijing Joint Laboratories was held at the Institute of Microbiology (IM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, in the presence of Drs. Yasushi Kawaguchi, Jun-ichiro Inoue, and Kunito Yoshiike from the IMSUT, Tokyo. Dr. Jin Gohda (Senior Assistant Professor, IM) reported his research progress on host factors related with latent HIV-1 infection; and Dr. Lijun Gu (Project Researcher, IM) shared with the participants her research progress of the co-receptor usage of prevailing HIV-1 in China. After that, Mr. Dehua Liu (Research Assistant, Institute of Biophysics (IBP)) shared the progress in searching for peptide that inhibits dengue-virus induced cell fusion; and Ms. Hongyun Wang (Research Assistant, IBP) reported on studies of peptides of inhibiting HIV-1 induced cell fusion.
Because this was the first meeting after launching the new project, all the participants were introduced before presentation. Mr. Kai Ryu (Research Assistant, IM), Ms. Rui Zhang (Research Assistant, IBP), and Ms. Weiwei Liu (Research Assistant, IBP) were introduced and welcomed as new members to the respective institutes. The participants were also informed that Mr. Dehua Liu (Research Assistant, IBP) and Mr. Xiao Li (Research Assistant, IBP) are leaving their positions soon.